蠔油雞翅 Chicken Wing in Oyster Sauce

材料 Ingredients
小雞翅 Chicken wing 15 隻 each
蔥 Scallion2 支 stalk
醬油 Soy sauce 1 大匙 Tbs
高湯 Stock 1 份 portion
蠔油醬汁 Oyster sauce 1 份 portion

1.雞翅毛拔乾淨﹐用水沖洗。蔥洗乾淨切成 5cm小段。
3.將蠔油醬汁 A料放進鍋內爆香。再放進雞翅用大火將兩面煎黃。
4.加入蠔油醬汁 B 料﹐醬油和 ½杯高湯用中火燴煮到醬汁收乾。起鍋前拌入蔥段。

1.Wash and clean the chicken wings. Wash the scallion and cut it into 5cm segments.
2.Get the Oyster sauce ready.
3.Add the Oyster sauce part A in the wok and sauté until aromatic. Add the chicken wings and pan-fry them in high heat until golden brown on both sides.
4.Add the Oyster sauce part B, soy sauce and ½ cup stock. Cook in medium heat until the sauce is almost completely absorbed. Mix in the scallion before serve.

最後更新 (Last Update): 07/22/2013
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